New PSIM quality on the Polish market
The Falcon system is a state-of-the-art Polish PSIM solution. Thanks to its flexible modular design and a team of experienced Polish developers, it enables efficient centralised security management of any Facility.
Description of the system
The Falcon system operates on the basis of a classic client-server architecture. It fits perfectly into both centralised and distributed facilities. Operator applications are made using desktop technology to ensure maximum performance, while modules designed for Mobile Operators are made using web technology.
The distinguishing features of PSIM FALCON are:
– modular design
– individualised functionality
– flexibility
– 100% Polish product and support of Polish engineers
– handling procedures for operators
– detailed reporting
– individual GUI\
The Falcon system integrates with virtually any system that allows it.
The most common integrations concern:
CCTV (VMS and DVRs), SSWiN, SKD, SSP, Fence Protection Systems, LPR, BMS, DSO, weather stations, hardware SMS gateways, relay controllers, lifts, heat detection thermal cameras, video intercoms, external loudspeakers, metal detectors, drones, environmental monitoring systems, smart power strips, radars.
The list of integrations is always open and adapted to the requirements of the specific project.
The Falcon system provides a flexible system of procedures for Operators. The customer himself determines which events (or correlation of events) require a procedure to be started. Each procedure can consist of any number of steps, and each step can be of different types: command, question, action. Each procedure can be forked at will depending on the development of events. An intuitive tool is provided for the administrator to manage the procedures themselves.
Reports are available in tabular or chart form. All reports are “tailor-made” from data available both from the integrated systems and from the Operators’ activities. Each report can be annotated, printed or saved in one of the popular formats.
Vector, raster and georeferenced maps are available in Falcon. Customer’s sub-maps can be used or new ones made, e.g. from a drone. Each sub-system element can be plotted on maps and correlated with up to 3 different cameras (including PTZ camera presets).
The PSIM system enables the correlation of events and alarms from different integrated systems. This allows multiple sources of false alarms to be quickly eliminated. For example, the correlation of Fence Protection System alarms in the form of forward sensors with a video analytics system that recognises human entry into an area is capable of eliminating up to 95% of false alarms.
Access to the system is secured not only by login and password, but as an option also by biometrics. Communication of the system is encrypted.
Falcon servers can operate in both virtual and real environments, and physical machines can be duplicated with a mechanism to automatically switch to a spare in the event of a possible failure.
The entire implementation process is carried out by Polish engineers and, once completed, they oversee the continued operation of the Falcon system and continuously work with the user on any extensions.

Dokumenty do pobrania:

Dokumentacja Techniczno-Ruchowa